In preparation for a pastor’s conference on spiritual gifts a few weeks ago, I found myself studying the book of Acts. In the process, I got thinking about the growth of the church as I read the narrative. Firstly, I was reminded of the Lord’s faithfulness in keeping His promises to build the church (Matt 16) and secondly, I was struck by the different ways and circumstances the Lord used to build His church. Here are three ways the Lord grew His church from Jerusalem to the outermost parts of the world (Acts 1:8).
1. Addition
The Lord’s charge to the disciples was that they would be witnesses of Him throughout all the world (Acts 1:8). By this, he meant that they would preoccupy themselves with proclaiming Christ to the world. And it is through the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ that people are saved from their sins and are added to the church (Acts 2:41-47). This invariably means that the church should be intentional and diligent in proclaiming Christ and Him crucified. Belief in this gospel message brings about a transformation in one’s life that they live a holy life such that their lives back up their message.
2. Removal
As the church grew in Acts, it began facing challenges that come with growth and accompanied by the sinfulness of man. One way the Lord builds His church is through purifying it by dealing with sin. We find an example of this in Acts 5 with Ananias and Sapphira. The goal of purification is repentance and restoration but sadly when this is absent, removal from the body. One result of God’s purifying discipline is that holy fear falls upon the believers. This further motivates holy living and fear among the children of God.
3. Moving
Further, the Lord grows his church by moving people on. Firstly he moves those who may be a source of distraction or hindrance to the work. One could argue that the split between Paul and Barnabas (Acts 15) was sad but necessary at the given time for the continued growth of the work. But positively, the Lord moves people on so that He can use them in other places in the vineyard. One can think of the persecution that arose and scattered the believers to other regions and also the setting apart of Paul and Barnabas (Acts 13) From the church at Antioch to go into the mission field. What might have seemed a considerable loss for the local church was the Lord building His church.
The church should be engaged in the proclamation of the gospel wherever it is found and beyond. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God. If people are to be saved, the word must be preached. The church should live out the truth of the gospel daily and trust the Lord of the harvest to grow His church both spiritually and numerically for the sake of His name.