In recent months, I have found myself engaged in several conversations about missions with a number of dear friends and some strangers who are doing remarkable work for the Lord all over the world. The conversations were provoking & heartwarming, and they challenged my thinking and attitude. My heart was encouraged to see what the Lord is doing throughout the world to draw many souls to himself. Some of the works will never be heard, but the results will be seen when God's people gather around the throne from every tongue, tribe and nation, worshipping the Lamb who is worthy! Let me share some random thoughts with you from these conversations.
Awareness about missions is not the same as action. It is possible to talk about the need for the gospel and to go and give, but that awareness must not be mistaken for action.
We need more believers willing to count the cost to take the gospel to places in desperate need of the good news. An estimated 3 billion people in the world have never heard the gospel and live in the most unreached areas in the world.
Christian families must be committed to praying and giving to the work of missions generously and regularly. To build a culture of missions in our churches, we must start in the home.
Christians must be intentional about sharing the gospel with those around them. One cannot be committed to the gospel to far places if they do not have a lifestyle of sharing the gospel with those they live and work with.
Churches must send qualified and capable men to plant churches. Unqualified and incompetent leadership is dangerous and unhelpful to all involved.
It's unwise to send someone to church plant cross-culturally when they have not gained or received some practical ministry training and exposure in their local context. To move someone straight from the classroom to cross-cultural church planting is potentially careless and dangerous for the person and the ministry. The potential damage is great. And while the wounds may heal, the scars will remain.
Churches must have a clear strategy to take the gospel to the unreached people groups. We need to study, be on the lookout for new places developing, and be aware of where gospel preaching churches are most needed.
Some missions curriculums and textbooks in bible schools need some revision. A lot of the places that were considered frontiers are now doing missions. Going into these places and serving effectively will require a change in mindset and approach.
The west needs to know and learn from the church planting endeavours of churches in Africa.
The African churches need to learn from the good and bad of several years of mission effort from western churches. Our brothers and sisters have led and set an example for us. There is much we can learn and emulate; there is also a lot we should avoid and keep far from us.
Onwards and upwards, dear Christian, onwards and upwards!