It’s mid-January! Unbelievably, the year 2020 is well and truly underway. Just like that, a new decade has begun. Some of us have already drafted our resolutions and are hopefully in the process of implementing them. Resolutions should be simple and practical if they are to be genuinely sustainable. Without burdening you, let me suggest six realistic resolutions you should consider in the context of the local church and for your own spiritual growth.
1. Read one book every month.
Pick twelve books that will help you grow in the knowledge of God and His word. If possible, ask someone to be a reading partner for the purpose of accountability. Christianity is the religion of the book and reading is an integral part of growth. If you have not read a book before or you struggle to understand, start slowly and persevere it will come with time. There is no rush and you not in competition.
2. Learn one song every month
Here is one you have probably not thought about, but be intentional about learning Christian songs. There are old, and new songs that are out there and they are there to be learnt and sung. Pick doctrinally sound songs and learn them. Get them on your gadget and play them. For the last year as a church, we have learnt one song each month; I have found the experience enriching.
3. Host people in your home once a month
I can bet there are people you do not know in your church, and visitors are coming in each week who are total strangers. Dear friend, the only way you will develop meaningful relationships is through intentionality. Invite people for a meal in your home. Nothing complicated, have a simple meal, play fun games, sing songs, talk about the gospel, and pray for one another. It will be awkward when you start, but you will not die.
4. Pray for one person every day.
One way you can minister to people is by praying for them. Pray for fellow church members each day. Let them know you are praying for them and ask them how you can pray for them in a specific way. A caution here, that praying for people is a lot of work and greatly enriching.
5. Visit fellow church members in their home.
Here is a goal you should have, visit every fellow church member in their home. Get to know and see where they live. What better way is there to know people and to be able to pray for them? Get your membership directory and begin to work your way through it. If possible, take a simple gift with you!
6. Talk to someone about the gospel.
It concerns me of the lack of clarity regarding the gospel. It further concerns how little Christians talk about it in their conversations. Learn to talk about the gospel. What it is and what its implications are. Share how you were saved and thank God together for his love and mercy. This will invariably help you talk about the gospel with those who are unbelieving. Remember faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God (Rom 10:14-17).
So here are six simple, practical and yet powerfully transforming resolutions for you to consider this year. We should remember to be outward-looking and not inward-looking as we relate and live together in the context of our local churches.